3 Simple Keys to Make Your Married Life More Fun

There are 3 Simple Keys to maintaining a strong, healthy, and happy marriage.
With all of the drama and pop culture surrounding marriage, it's no wonder that so many Christian marriages are ending in divorce. But the truth is, it doesn't need to be this way.

As a Christian wife, here's what this means to you. If you can understand the power of God within you to overcome any weapon the enemy presents, you can create an entirely new marriage.

Now, I understand that your husband has a responsibility too, but this journey to a happy marriage can start with you... if that's what you want.

What 3 key actions are they?

Let's look at the 3 keys to experiencing and staying happily married:

1) Recognize that the devil sets you up to get you upset because he knows your weaknesses or areas of growth. Be honest about your areas of growth. For instance, if you don't enjoy having sex, ask yourself why. Sex among other things often plays a big role in the marriage relationship. In the earlier years of our now twenty-year marriage, I could not fully enjoy sex because of the baggage of past relationships.

But instead of wallowing in self-pity and blaming other men for why I couldn't enjoy my husband in an intimate way, I took action and worked to break the soul ties of my past so I could give my all to my husband in the bedroom.

2) Constantly forgive your husband. Give him the space and grace to grow. You want him to do the same for you, don't you?

This does not include abuse and serial adultery. If this is the case, I encourage you to get help from a faith-based third-party such as a Pastor, counselor, or organization that specializes in these areas.

3) Make prayer a priority. I'll be honest, for many years, (yes, as a Christian), I did not like praying. In fact, I dreaded it because I felt like I was saying the same thing every day, yet getting no results. But what I discovered was that I needed to learn how to pray God's language and believe that what I said was true and would come to pass.

Out of these three keys, I recommend first starting your journey to a happier marriage with prayer. Being able to pray properly for your marriage is not complicated.

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